Episode Description:

In this episode our special guest Darrell Evans from Yocal Local Digital Marketing and host of The Mindshift Podcast @  dives into the customer journey and discusses how to better attribute your campaign success by having a better understanding of the typical journey and how it interacts with a typical consumer. There are some great bits of gold in this episode for anyone doing any digital advertising!

Connect with Darrell Evans



Yocal Local Digital Marketing:

“The Mindshift Podcast”:


Action you can take right now:

The goal of this podcast is to provide marketing and service insights, but also to provide actionable items that can occur right away without much thought. This episode explores how you can focus on the different ways goals can be attributed to different points along the customer journey.

  1. Check out your customer journey. Look at the top-of-funnel marketing efforts. Do you have automation in place to recognize attribution further down the funnel? An awareness of your product or service can exist over a long period of time as Darrell explains.
  2. Website Review – This is such a simple concept, but I rarely see it play out! What great advice – is your content strategy based around your FAQ? In other words, does your website work to overcome objections? Or do you leave this with the sales staff?

After-Show Thoughts:

I loved this episode because it presents some very actionable items that are easy to fulfill and correct. Many businesses struggle with a content strategy, but the easiest way to get started on that journey is simply to list out the most common objections your hear from customers. Your strategy should be based on those objections – otherwsie your website remains nothing more than a fancy multi-media business card instead of a sales tool that helps a customer go from awareness to consideration to pre-purchase.

As great as the episode was, I really got hung up on the last few minutes. Darrell’s incredible story of the importance of being a good Dad, and how being purpose-driven on that subject helped him overcome his insecurity of being an entrepreneur. It’s a really powerful way to end a great episode!


Episode 35 Transcript:

Audio file 




00:00:00 Justin Varuzzo 

If you are having a problem and you are trying to find the solution and you go to a website, do you always execute on your search results immediately? 

00:00:11 Justin Varuzzo 

Of course not. That’s why I have a very special guest today. Darrell Evans from yokel, local digital marketing, who’s going to talk about how you can better examine the attribution throughout your customers journey that more coming up on the marketing and service.com podcast. 

00:00:41 Justin Varuzzo 

Hey Justin Varuzzo here from marketingandservice.com podcast the podcast designed to help you grow your business by building incredible customer relationships. 

00:00:52 Justin Varuzzo 

If you find value in this episode, please take a moment to like, follow and subscribe. 

00:00:56 Justin Varuzzo 

And of course if you want to do me a huge favor, please leave me a five star review I. 

00:01:01 Justin Varuzzo 

Love the feedback. 

00:01:02 Justin Varuzzo 

And if you want to connect, come over to the marketing and service Com Facebook page. 

00:01:06 Justin Varuzzo 

I’d love to hear from you. 

00:01:08 Justin Varuzzo 

You can also shoot me an email  

00:01:16 Justin Varuzzo 

If you have a show idea, or if there’s something you want to learn more about, let me know and I’ll make a podcast just for. 

00:01:22 Justin Varuzzo 

You on today’s episode I have a special guest, Darrell Evans. 

00:01:27 Justin Varuzzo 

Darrell has been doing some really incredible work in the local SEO mark. 

00:01:31 Justin Varuzzo 

Bing space and I was so happy that he agreed to come on the show and share some of his really good strategies for maximizing digital marketing throughout the entire customer journey. 

00:01:43 Justin Varuzzo 

And he gives some amazing insights in this conversation. 

00:01:47 Justin Varuzzo 

So this is definitely one you don’t want to miss. 

00:01:50 Justin Varuzzo 

Darrell Evans. 

00:01:51 Justin Varuzzo 

Is the co-founder of Yokel, local Internet marketing? 

00:01:55 Justin Varuzzo 

He helps companies scale lead generation and scales to 7 to 8 figures annually. 

00:02:00 Justin Varuzzo 

He’s got over $300 million in client revenue, and he’s also the host of the popular The Mindshift podcast. All of those links will be in the show notes. 

00:02:11 Justin Varuzzo 

But without further ado, let’s bring on Darrell Evans. 

00:02:15 Darrell Evans 

Hey Justin, thanks for having me glad. 

00:02:17 Justin Varuzzo 

To be here absolutely so you know we were discussing some things a few weeks ago and I wanted to just jump right into it because you have so much incredible and great content going on and one of the things that we discussed was buyers journey. 

00:02:29 Darrell Evans 

Well, thank you. 

00:02:33 Justin Varuzzo 

And I am super passionate about the buyers journey because I always look at customer experience, customer relationships and I kind of analyze it and measure it through the entire journey because I feel a lot of companies they they might do really great things at certain points in that journey. 

00:02:51 Justin Varuzzo 

Maybe they’re amazing at the sales. 

00:02:53 Justin Varuzzo 

Process, but they’re they’re terrible at the acquisition process or they’re really good at pre sale support, but they’re terrible at post sales support and somehow that ends up with a customer experience that’s that’s kind of WAVY and and teeters up and down. 

00:03:07 Justin Varuzzo 

Depending on where you’re at, so let’s talk a little bit. 

00:03:11 Justin Varuzzo 

About that buyer’s journey and some of your insights on that. 

00:03:15 Darrell Evans 

Yeah Justin, that’s a a good tee up for probably one of the biggest challenges that small business owners even growing companies face when they’re working to scale. 

00:03:27 Darrell Evans 

I’d like to maybe start it with this kind of thought process. 

00:03:31 Darrell Evans 

I said this just recently in a talk about. 

00:03:34 Darrell Evans 

For those of your listeners that have built a business at any given point in time or been in customer acquisition or sales at any given point in time, pre Internet or let’s just say more than a decade ago because it go back to Pre 2010, maybe even pre 2015. 

00:03:53 Darrell Evans 

The buyer, our consumer, our customer, our client, whatever that is to you. 

00:03:59 Darrell Evans 

You had control before this 10 year or so ago. 

00:04:04 Darrell Evans 

Time window. 

00:04:04 Darrell Evans 

What do I mean by that? 

00:04:06 Darrell Evans 

As the seller of goods or services, the customer, metaphorically speaking, is sitting up at night at 11:00 o’clock at night, and they’ve got a problem and they’d like to be asleep. 

00:04:19 Darrell Evans 

But they they can’t sleep, and Justin all they could do is think to themselves. 

00:04:25 Darrell Evans 

I wonder who I can call or who I can ask for help with solving this problem and we’re going to use the word problem as just a baseline group. 

00:04:37 Darrell Evans 

And in days gone by days when I grew up in. 

00:04:40 Darrell Evans 

The 90s. 

00:04:41 Darrell Evans 

And this is going to sound like. 

00:04:42 Darrell Evans 

I’m dating myself. 

00:04:43 Darrell Evans 

But this is the way it worked. I’m 51 this year, but I started marketing and entrepreneurship in my early 20s. 

00:04:49 Darrell Evans 

I was in the real estate business when this thought process first hit me. I was a real estate agent, it’s 1992. 

00:04:57 Darrell Evans 

And the mills didn’t exist in the current form that you see it, which is digital, where you could spray. 

00:05:04 Darrell Evans 

Search for a property anytime you want. 

00:05:06 Darrell Evans 

There was no Trulia, Zillow, realtor. 

00:05:09 Darrell Evans 

Com Justin. 

00:05:11 Darrell Evans 

As funny as it sounds, we used to get what looked like a phone book every 30 days delivered to our office, which had the listings of the houses that were available in the marketplace. 

00:05:23 Darrell Evans 

In order for you to get access to the home, you had no choice but to call my real estate company or any of the other dozens that were in the city and inquire through a human sales person, you had no choice. 

00:05:41 Justin Varuzzo 

Yeah, there is no digital lead. 

00:05:41 Darrell Evans 

There was no choice. 

00:05:44 Darrell Evans 

I now have a sales. 

00:05:46 Justin Varuzzo 

Opportunity that there was also really no place for the consumer or the home buyer to even look at pictures of the home. 

00:05:54 Justin Varuzzo 

They would have to go to you to even see, not just get in the house, but to literally see what is even out there. 

00:05:59 Justin Varuzzo 

You’d have to have a real estate. 

00:06:01 Darrell Evans 

They could drive around the neighborhoods, sure, they could wander into an open house, sure, but in terms of how much you don’t get time leverage in doing that, right? 

00:06:11 Darrell Evans 

So there’s again. 

00:06:13 Darrell Evans 

So to to speed up the. 

00:06:15 Darrell Evans 

Point Fast forward to today and because I spent 17 years involved. 

00:06:20 Darrell Evans 

In real estate lending industry? 

00:06:21 Darrell Evans 

Before I jumped into the digital marketing space, it just becomes relevant because real estate is something that a lot of people have been involved in one way or the other. 

00:06:28 Darrell Evans 

They’ve been through the process one way or the other, or they know someone who’s been through the prod. 

00:06:33 Darrell Evans 

Today, and this is where the buyer’s journey is relevant. And by the way, it’s not just real estate, it’s every industry from a personal injury attorney who is not at the top of anybody. Mind before they actually need one. Sorry to a plumber who drives or sorry no more than a personal injury attorney or a plumber. 

00:06:52 Darrell Evans 

I remember driving home 2007 and my water heater broke and water is gushing out of my house. I didn’t have a, I didn’t have a plumber. 

00:06:57 Justin Varuzzo 

Oh yeah, how do you find a plumber? 

00:07:00 Darrell Evans 

Roll events, yeah. 

00:07:02 Darrell Evans 

Yeah, I didn’t have a plumber Rolodex, just sitting by so I can call somebody. So anyway Fast forward the story in real estate today as an example, there’s Trulia, Zillow, that everything is digital and the customer has done estimates say depending on which statistic somewhere between 65 and 80% of their decision process. 

00:07:22 Darrell Evans 

Has been made. 

00:07:23 Darrell Evans 

Before they ever contacted the salesperson. 

00:07:26 Darrell Evans 

So if we jump 20 something years. 

00:07:28 Darrell Evans 

Though they couldn’t even begin their thought process until they talked to a real estate agent today, they’ve made up 70% of their 6070. 

00:07:35 Darrell Evans 

80% of their decision before they ever reach out to the professional that goes the same for Sass. That goes the same for I was in a mastermind meeting a couple weeks ago. 

00:07:42 Darrell Evans 

I’m in a mastermind out seven years and there’s a gentleman in the group who has a multi 7 figure business. 

00:07:48 Darrell Evans 

And he needs to buy something from Shopify. And it’s not the regular Shopify for startup ecommerce people. It’s the enterprise Shopify that costs about 3K per month. 

00:07:58 Darrell Evans 

His point was I have already made the buying decision based on my research about them and their competitors to the product that I need for my business. 

00:08:09 Darrell Evans 

This gentleman solved his own problem. 

00:08:11 Darrell Evans 

Found his own product, knew who the vendor was already knew, the price and his friction point was I can’t. 

00:08:19 Darrell Evans 

Even get anyone on the phone to buy the dog on thing for eight days. Wow. And so the buyer’s journey has evolved. And so I think that’s a good place for us to start. And that is for us to be successful in customer acquisition. Customer retention. 

00:08:37 Darrell Evans 

And those things that matter to our business, which is increasing the lifetime value of a customer, right? 

00:08:42 Darrell Evans 

’cause you know how many businesses acquire a customer and loses the customer? 

00:08:44 Justin Varuzzo 

Yeah, absolutely yeah. 

00:08:45 Darrell Evans 

Absolutely, it’s only it’s not if. 

00:08:46 Justin Varuzzo 

And and so many businesses spend so much time and effort in acquisition and and and. 

00:08:53 Justin Varuzzo 

Yes, they don’t spend a lot of time once they secure that customer in nurturing their existing customer base. 

00:09:00 Justin Varuzzo 

That’s something I see over and over and over again. 

00:09:02 Justin Varuzzo 

Everyone is always trying to get the new customers, new customers, and yet they’re not doing email marketing. 

00:09:07 Justin Varuzzo 

They’re not making phone calls. 

00:09:08 Justin Varuzzo 

They’re not doing follow up. 

00:09:09 Justin Varuzzo 

They’re not doing anything to really harness the power of the database. 

00:09:12 Justin Varuzzo 

They already have in front of them. 

00:09:15 Darrell Evans 

Yeah, it’s such a great point. 

00:09:16 Darrell Evans 

I mean, going back to that same real estate example you, you’re going to acquire a customer and go through the process of acquisition. 

00:09:23 Darrell Evans 

And of course you want to know what those acquisition costs are. 

00:09:26 Darrell Evans 

But let me tell you something. 

00:09:27 Darrell Evans 

Even in an industry such as real estate where people are not going to be buying a house every other month every other year, I remember learning that an average homeowner this is back when I first got started. 

00:09:40 Darrell Evans 

Would buy perhaps five homes in a 30 year window of time. 

00:09:48 Darrell Evans 

30 year window time. That’s five possible transactions, so let’s just say I’m a career real estate agent. Yep, at the very least, Justin, I should assume that if I do a great job, I don’t just earn a Commission today for sale #1 

00:10:01 Darrell Evans 

If you sell that house, I hopefully have done a good job where I get to list that house and make a Commission. 

00:10:06 Darrell Evans 

I hopefully will sell you. 

00:10:08 Darrell Evans 

The next house after that House sells. 

00:10:10 Darrell Evans 

I hopefully will help you buy the rental property. 

00:10:12 Darrell Evans 

The investment property of the second home, whatever that may be, and maybe if I’ve really done a great job. 

00:10:17 Darrell Evans 

If I’m a 30. 

00:10:18 Darrell Evans 

Year person I may have sold your retirement home. 

00:10:20 Darrell Evans 

That’s how I kind of mathematically played out the. 

00:10:22 Darrell Evans 

Five in my head or. 

00:10:24 Darrell Evans 

Well, what that means though is I have to earn the right to do that a, but then be. I’ve got to be a career professional, but where most people to understand is the value is not just in waiting 30 years for those additional sales, it’s the fact that every human being has a network of 150 to 200 people that could refer you. 

00:10:45 Justin Varuzzo 

There it is, yeah. 

00:10:45 Darrell Evans 

To that’s where the money is made, so if you’re not, you’re not selling just to make a Commission. 

00:10:51 Darrell Evans 

And by the way, you can insert any industry today. 

00:10:53 Darrell Evans 

I’m in the agency biz. 

00:10:54 Darrell Evans 

I’m in the digital marketing agency space. 

00:10:57 Darrell Evans 

I serve business owners. 

00:10:59 Darrell Evans 

You think business owners don’t run with other business owners. 

00:11:01 Speaker 2 


00:11:01 Darrell Evans 

Of course they do. 

00:11:02 Darrell Evans 

Do you think they don’t belong to associations? 

00:11:05 Darrell Evans 

Of course they do. 

00:11:06 Darrell Evans 

So the idea is relevant across every industry and that is are you taking care of this individuals problems concerns? 

00:11:15 Darrell Evans 

And needs in route to earning revenue, which is what you need when you run a business. 

00:11:20 Darrell Evans 

But are you thinking beyond this transaction? 

00:11:22 Darrell Evans 

You know my business partner, see if I can say it right? 

00:11:25 Darrell Evans 

But my business partner likes to say when you make a sale. 

00:11:30 Darrell Evans 

And the error that most of us make as business owners is we make a sale and we think the relationship just ended when the customer thinks. 

00:11:36 Darrell Evans 

It just started right, right? 

00:11:38 Darrell Evans 

The customer just gave you money, so as far as they’re concerned the relationship just got started exactly right. 

00:11:44 Darrell Evans 

And and you’ve been chasing him for six months to get the sale, so you’re happy you made the sale and you think it just ended. 

00:11:50 Speaker 2 

Yeah, Yep. 

00:11:50 Darrell Evans 

That’s a mistake. 

00:11:51 Justin Varuzzo 

That yeah, very very common thing that I see over and over again when we look at that. That buyer’s journey. 

00:11:58 Justin Varuzzo 

We’ve kind of discussed the before the purchase, right? 

00:12:01 Justin Varuzzo 

Like you said, the real estate example with the plumber. 

00:12:04 Justin Varuzzo 

I had a very similar experience where. 

00:12:06 Justin Varuzzo 

Here I was 30 years old. 

00:12:08 Justin Varuzzo 

I’m a grown man I I’m married, I’m in my home with my wife and I walk in and I open my basement door and water is cascading from the ceiling and I panic and I look at. 

00:12:20 Justin Varuzzo 

Her, I say, do I do? 

00:12:22 Speaker 4 

I call the police. 

00:12:25 Speaker 4 

What do I do? 

00:12:26 Speaker 4 

Do I call the fire department and like make it stop? 

00:12:29 Speaker 4 

I know they could stop like, well my. 

00:12:31 Speaker 4 

Mom it was I. 

00:12:33 Justin Varuzzo 

I was just. 


Something good. 

00:12:33 Speaker 4 

Like I, I felt I’ve never felt more helpless than yeah, just looking at that water. 

00:12:36 Darrell Evans 

Helpless right? 

00:12:38 Speaker 2 

Stood up. 

00:12:38 Speaker 4 

Come down and it just seemed like such an emergency that I couldn’t even begin to. 

00:12:43 Justin Varuzzo 

Address, So what do you do? You you pick up the phone and you Google plumbers near me. 24 hours and. 

00:12:45 Darrell Evans 

It’s a lot. 

00:12:49 Darrell Evans 

That’s right, that’s right, that’s right. 

00:12:51 Justin Varuzzo 

You call the first one, and in that situation because it was so urgent. 

00:12:56 Justin Varuzzo 

In my mind there was literally no due diligence. 

00:13:01 Justin Varuzzo 

The only person that was going to get the business was the first one to. 

00:13:04 Justin Varuzzo 

Respond whoever answers the. 

00:13:06 Justin Varuzzo 

Phone whoever answered the. 

00:13:07 Justin Varuzzo 

Phone was going to be the one. 

00:13:07 Darrell Evans 

And says I’ll be by yeah. 

00:13:09 Justin Varuzzo 

And that leads me to what you do in your business, which is local Internet marketing, right? 

00:13:17 Justin Varuzzo 

With yokel, local Internet marketing, you can help businesses with their SEO strategies and their Google listings and things to help move them up. 

00:13:26 Justin Varuzzo 

So when someone is in that panic situation, hopefully. 

00:13:30 Justin Varuzzo 

They are, at least in the. 

00:13:31 Justin Varuzzo 

Game to maybe get that phone call at 2:00 in the morning and another problem that I see so many that they don’t even take the time to set that up, even if it’s not good. 

00:13:41 Justin Varuzzo 

They don’t even set up like the most basic business listening, so when you do panic and you make that phone call you’re you’re never going to even be in the running. 

00:13:48 Justin Varuzzo 

You’re not. 

00:13:48 Justin Varuzzo 

Going to be in the game at that point, absolutely absolutely. 

00:13:51 Justin Varuzzo 

One thing that you had mentioned when we last spoke, we talked about the return on investment, but at the later touch points in this. 

00:14:00 Justin Varuzzo 

Journey, can you tell me a little bit? 

00:14:03 Darrell Evans 

About that yeah, everyone seems to buy into the idea that I need to invest marketing dollars, advertising dollars, time and energy at networking events, conferences. 

00:14:13 Darrell Evans 

They’ve got to invest on the front end to get visibility and to get in front of those right customers. 

00:14:18 Darrell Evans 

To use your example about the plumber, yes, we help companies. 

00:14:21 Darrell Evans 

With Google Ads and Facebook ads and online SEO search engine optimization and local listings in the whole gamut. 

00:14:28 Darrell Evans 

But the idea is to be visible at the point of at the stage of the journey where someone is ready to make a. 

00:14:37 Darrell Evans 

What I like to say it’s if they’re considering a solution to a problem they have that you can solve. 

00:14:45 Darrell Evans 

You need to be there, the. 

00:14:48 Darrell Evans 

The the challenge though, is is you and I both had a situation with the water heater. 

00:14:54 Darrell Evans 

I don’t know if yours was water heater or a. 

00:14:55 Darrell Evans 

Different type of leak. 

00:14:56 Justin Varuzzo 

Shower in an upstairs chef pipe. 

00:14:59 Darrell Evans 

Shower, right, but those are emergencies where you’ve got to get you. 

00:15:03 Darrell Evans 

Like I said, I don’t know if I need the police. 

00:15:04 Darrell Evans 

I loved that one that was hilarious, but I literally didn’t know who to call either. 

00:15:07 Darrell Evans 

Like I. 

00:15:08 Darrell Evans 

Don’t even how do I stop it like it? 

00:15:09 Darrell Evans 

Yeah I stopped. 

00:15:10 Justin Varuzzo 

I just need to make it stop. 

00:15:11 Darrell Evans 

Or just make it stop. 

00:15:13 Darrell Evans 

I had no idea where the water main was like, you know, but those are emergency situations that are a bit more extreme. 

00:15:18 Darrell Evans 

But let’s talk about a more practical scenario where the the the buyer has a problem they’d like to solve, and it they start the journey to figure out potential solutions and. 

00:15:30 Justin Varuzzo 

Right, so and actually I have a great example from my personal experience. 

00:15:35 Justin Varuzzo 

I Speaking of home crisis and repairs, my chimney started to fall apart. 

00:15:40 Justin Varuzzo 

Chunks of it were just kind of falling off the side of the house and had three or four people come out and they all said you need a new chimney, which of course. 

00:15:48 Justin Varuzzo 

Started the process of OK. 

00:15:52 Justin Varuzzo 

Who do I go with? 

00:15:52 Justin Varuzzo 

Who do I even write? 

00:15:54 Justin Varuzzo 

Go get estimates with. 

00:15:55 Justin Varuzzo 

And of course the first thing I’m looking at Google reviews who’s well rated it. 

00:15:59 Justin Varuzzo 

Was poorly rated who’s not rated. 

00:16:02 Justin Varuzzo 

Not rated. 

00:16:03 Justin Varuzzo 

Yeah, it might happen. 

00:16:03 Justin Varuzzo 

Come poorly rated. 

00:16:05 Justin Varuzzo 

I’m not even going to bother getting an estimate. 

00:16:07 Darrell Evans 

Stay away, yeah? 

00:16:07 Justin Varuzzo 

Then there’s the ones that are highly rated. 

00:16:09 Justin Varuzzo 

But then I start wondering, like well, are they really highly rated or these fake reviews? 

00:16:13 Justin Varuzzo 

Or you know, so you start reading them and trying to and you know that for me was the beginning of this process of trying to figure things out. 

00:16:22 Justin Varuzzo 

And then of course, the next step in that is. 

00:16:24 Justin Varuzzo 

I have my little. 

00:16:25 Justin Varuzzo 

List of three or four people. 

00:16:26 Justin Varuzzo 

And I I say, OK, these are the four that seem good. 

00:16:29 Justin Varuzzo 

Let me reach out to all of them to get an estimate, right? 

00:16:31 Justin Varuzzo 

And then, of course, there’s the one company that never calls back another one called back immediately. 

00:16:37 Justin Varuzzo 

It was like the best experience, but they came out for the estimate and the guy just like goes. Yeah you need a new chimney. It’s $15,000. I’ll see you later. 

00:16:37 Justin Varuzzo 

It was like the. 

00:16:44 Justin Varuzzo 

It’s like wow you. 

00:16:45 Justin Varuzzo 

Did you he had like this beautiful Google listing? 

00:16:48 Justin Varuzzo 

He had the chat feature set up and it was like you did all this stuff that everyone else. 

00:16:52 Justin Varuzzo 

It’s wrong, and then the action will show up and then you blow it at the point of sale. 

00:16:54 Darrell Evans 

Yep, and then you blow it at the point of sale. 

00:16:57 Justin Varuzzo 

Yeah, so I’m gonna let you continue but I I’m keeping that in the back of the mind as as we discuss this journey. 

00:17:01 Darrell Evans 

No, but you’re perfect. 

00:17:02 Darrell Evans 

You you you you illustrate a perfect point right? 

00:17:06 Darrell Evans 

You just illustrated exactly why people fail at what I call first touch attribution. 

00:17:12 Darrell Evans 

So in digital marketing specifically, First Touch attribution is the idea that we spent this much money on ads. 

00:17:18 Darrell Evans 

We got this many people to click on the ad. 

00:17:20 Darrell Evans 

And but only this number of people booked an appointment or bought our thing right? 

00:17:25 Darrell Evans 

Keeping it simple. 

00:17:26 Darrell Evans 

The problem though is where digital comes in. 

00:17:29 Darrell Evans 

That’s helpful. 

00:17:30 Darrell Evans 

And to your point, this. 

00:17:31 Darrell Evans 

Gentlemen company did all the right stuff and then they just had a first of all they. I’ve experienced what you just described on palm trees here in Las Vegas, so I have to have palm trees done in my in my house twice a year the the quote generally ranges from 600 to 1000 bucks which I don’t understand. They’re the same palm trees. I don’t understand how there’s a $400. 

00:17:51 Darrell Evans 

Spread right if you think about it’s 40% spread like that’s crazy. To me this gentleman comes out. He did the same thing you described. 

00:17:59 Darrell Evans 

He he built the the. 

00:18:01 Darrell Evans 

Quote request and the follow up in the call and he showed. 

00:18:04 Darrell Evans 

Up at the. 

00:18:04 Darrell Evans 

House and then he gives me the quote. 

00:18:06 Darrell Evans 

It’s actually an acceptable quote, but then he tells me, but we can’t come back for three months ’cause we’re too. 

00:18:11 Darrell Evans 

And I’m like that doesn’t make. 

00:18:13 Darrell Evans 

You could have told me that via email. 

00:18:16 Darrell Evans 

And The funny thing was they had great reviews and so it’s kind of interesting that I thought about it because I’m like OK, you got great reviews. 

00:18:22 Darrell Evans 

That’s probably means you’re busy, OK? 

00:18:24 Darrell Evans 

I get it, but. 

00:18:26 Darrell Evans 

You could have just stopped by and looked over the fence and figured out how much the quote was. 

00:18:30 Darrell Evans 

Why did I have to stop? 

00:18:30 Darrell Evans 

What I was doing come home and meet you for you to tell me you can’t do it for three months. 

00:18:34 Darrell Evans 

I’m ready to get it done now. 

00:18:35 Darrell Evans 

Go back to the example. 

00:18:36 Darrell Evans 

The example is that a lot of marketers and business owners get lost. 

00:18:40 Darrell Evans 

And the ROI of the initial part of the campaign. 

00:18:44 Darrell Evans 

The initial first touch, and what we talk about in our business and where we find the biggest scale opportunity is that in. 

00:18:52 Darrell Evans 

I don’t know if the statistic is right, Justin, but this statistic has been floating around there for about half a dozen years, if not a little bit more, and that is that most people 4%. 

00:19:01 Darrell Evans 

5% three to four or 5% of people are ready to maybe do business. 

00:19:06 Darrell Evans 

And then of the 95% that’s left about 20 to 30% of those people are likely to do business in the next 30 days to 12 months, and then the other 50% may or may not do anything. 

00:19:17 Darrell Evans 

The other 40 or 50 percent 60% may not do anything for an even longer period of time, so let’s forget the people that may not make a decision. 

00:19:26 Darrell Evans 

The looky loos as they say Yep and but everyone wants to focus on closing and basing the success of their marketing on that 3 to 5% that touched the website to start with or made the initial quote request or schedule a meeting or opened a demo account or set up a free trial on a software product. 

00:19:46 Darrell Evans 

And where the gold is. 

00:19:49 Darrell Evans 

Is in that 20 to 30% who didn’t take the first action today that you thought or that you requested based on the 12 or 15 or $200 click from Google you if you know your customer and you understand the journey, you should know the three to five to seven things that are in their mind just like you said when you were giving your example, you have a process. 

00:20:09 Darrell Evans 

By which you’re going to go through this, you’re not just you’re going to consider the options. All the options ’cause it could be a $5000 fix. 

00:20:15 Darrell Evans 

It could be a $15,000. It’s not an emergency, and So what marketing done well does is it takes into consider. 

00:20:23 Darrell Evans 

That someone could have taken the step towards my business, product or service, but not been ready today. 

00:20:28 Darrell Evans 

And if I can accept that then I don’t have to worry about hard selling or closing. 

00:20:32 Darrell Evans 

I have to meet them where they are, both in verbal dialogue, written dialogue, digital dialogue, and you can do it today. 

00:20:38 Darrell Evans 

It’s easy. 

00:20:39 Darrell Evans 

It’s everyone can do it. 

00:20:40 Darrell Evans 

No one does it, but everyone can do it. 

00:20:43 Darrell Evans 

And what I like to say, Justin is always about figuring out where they are in the journey, and you can do that based on what they clicked on in your ad and where they landed on your. 

00:20:51 Darrell Evans 

Website and have what’s called smart follow-up smart follow-up today is available everywhere. 

00:20:56 Darrell Evans 

You don’t have to have to have any specific type of software. 

00:20:59 Darrell Evans 

There’s software everywhere that does it, and it’s both through email. 

00:21:03 Darrell Evans 

It’s both through retargeting ads with Facebook, Google, Facebook, all of them do. 

00:21:08 Darrell Evans 

It and it just takes a little bit extra thought process. 

00:21:11 Darrell Evans 

To say OK, they didn’t convert today. 

00:21:14 Darrell Evans 

Let me give an example. 

00:21:15 Darrell Evans 

Lasik Eye surgery center. 

00:21:16 Darrell Evans 

This is one of my favorite exam. 

00:21:18 Darrell Evans 

Lasik Eye Surgery Center in in our city that was working with us. 

00:21:22 Darrell Evans 

Top top LASIK eye surgery Center but they were only getting about 30 leads a month from their website. 

00:21:28 Darrell Evans 

And here’s what’s interesting. 

00:21:30 Darrell Evans 

He was one of the most successful doctors in our area, but yet the online stuff wasn’t working. 

00:21:35 Darrell Evans 

But he was doing everything. 

00:21:35 Darrell Evans 

The ads, the SEO, the traffic. 

00:21:37 Darrell Evans 

Was coming in. 

00:21:38 Darrell Evans 

Yeah, So what we do is rather than. 

00:21:41 Darrell Evans 

Go to the top of the funnel and start pouring more traffic into a low conversion rate. We start saying where are the friction points with the 2000 people. 

00:21:51 Darrell Evans 

By the way, it’s a local business, so 2000 people showing up to your website for a topic called LASIK. 

00:21:58 Darrell Evans 

Is a lot of people yeah. And when your service is 3000 four $1000, that’s a lot of people. 

00:22:04 Darrell Evans 

They didn’t just randomly end up on a LASIK website, right, right? 

00:22:08 Darrell Evans 

So let’s figure out why people buy and why people don’t. 

00:22:14 Darrell Evans 

And let’s start to figure out what we can do to answer their questions. 

00:22:18 Darrell Evans 

We use this thing. 

00:22:19 Darrell Evans 

Called FAQ frameworks so that we can begin to present ideas and concepts to the visitor that would meet them where they are and help to answer the questions. 

00:22:31 Darrell Evans 

Some of the same questions we might go through on our own and Long story short, the LASIK Center has two. 

00:22:37 Darrell Evans 

There’s two primary reasons why. 

00:22:39 Darrell Evans 

Someone, at least in our research. 

00:22:42 Darrell Evans 

During this time, there are two primary reasons someone does not move forward with LASIK eye surgery. 

00:22:47 Darrell Evans 

Assuming their eyes are qualified for that surgery number one everyone pretty. 

00:22:51 Darrell Evans 

It’s pretty easy. 

00:22:53 Darrell Evans 

Fear that something could go wrong. 

00:22:55 Darrell Evans 

Yep, with the surgery. 

00:22:56 Darrell Evans 

The second one is cost because it’s pricey and if you go to a $200 an eye surgeon, good luck with that. 

00:23:02 Darrell Evans 

But the point is cost or fear. So we figured out from the doctor what do you talk to them about that helps them allay their fear and give them confidence that because you not just that you’ve done 50,000 of them, ’cause that’s not going to. 

00:23:16 Darrell Evans 

’cause they don’t care about the 50,000 they care. 

00:23:18 Darrell Evans 

About their eyes. 

00:23:18 Justin Varuzzo 

The one yeah the one. 

00:23:19 Justin Varuzzo 

That didn’t go well, right? 

00:23:19 Darrell Evans 

They care about their eyes right? 

00:23:22 Darrell Evans 

And then what do you do? 

00:23:23 Darrell Evans 

And and he so funny. 

00:23:24 Darrell Evans 

Thing is, he offered financing wasn’t available, wasn’t even present. 

00:23:28 Darrell Evans 

On the website. 

00:23:29 Darrell Evans 

So we so we just figured out how to. 

00:23:31 Darrell Evans 

Allay the questions and remove the questions and answer those questions. 

00:23:35 Darrell Evans 

And it turned out that we turned a 30 lead per month website into a 90 lead per month website by doing a couple of simple things that eventually went to a 240 or 50. 

00:23:48 Darrell Evans 

Lead per month opportunity and the odd part about it. 

00:23:53 Darrell Evans 

We did double the traffic at some point. 

00:23:55 Darrell Evans 

We did double the traffic. 

00:23:57 Darrell Evans 

But we what is 30 to week eight times the leads on two times the traffic. 

00:24:03 Darrell Evans 

So you talk about the buyers journey. 

00:24:05 Darrell Evans 

We get into the buyer. 

00:24:07 Darrell Evans 

Psychology of what they’re thinking? 

00:24:09 Darrell Evans 

What’s keeping them up at 11:00 o’clock at night. 

00:24:11 Darrell Evans 

They made a step towards your business, but then they step back. 

00:24:14 Darrell Evans 

Why is that? 

00:24:15 Darrell Evans 

And so we try to use. 

00:24:17 Darrell Evans 

Technology as well as sales training in terms of talking to that particular part of the journey and being empathetic, that’s where we make the most money for clients. 

00:24:27 Darrell Evans 

That’s where ROI scales. 

00:24:29 Darrell Evans 

The most is really understanding not just how good can we be at point of sale at point of immediate need. 

00:24:36 Darrell Evans 

But how do we serve the need based on their timeline, right? 

00:24:39 Darrell Evans 

That’s what’s really important. 

00:24:41 Justin Varuzzo 

That that’s awesome. 

00:24:41 Justin Varuzzo 

And I mean you. 

00:24:42 Justin Varuzzo 

You just laid out so much incredible content and and two things that I I really. 

00:24:49 Justin Varuzzo 

Want to amplify from what you said is the first being you mentioned this client, the Lacey client, and discussing the challenges of what essentially was their landing page or the weakness of that. 

00:25:04 Justin Varuzzo 

PG and something that has always driven me nuts in this business is the CEO corporations. There’s one in particular that I despise and many other people do too. I won’t say the name, but they charge anywhere from 500 to $3000 a month. 

00:25:24 Justin Varuzzo 

For CEO service and they would never. 

00:25:29 Justin Varuzzo 

Take the time to actually learn their clients needs. They will no matter what your business is, no matter what your challenge, you’re going to be fit into that box and whether you pay 500 a 1015, you’re really not getting anything more for the dollars spent and you might get a ton of traffic. But like you said, there’s so many things. 

00:25:49 Justin Varuzzo 

And so many layers into that journey. 

00:25:52 Justin Varuzzo 

And unfortunately a lot of small businesses, and I think it’s just because small business owners are so busy and they wear so many hats and they have so many things to worry about. 

00:26:02 Justin Varuzzo 

They don’t always take the time to. 

00:26:04 Justin Varuzzo 

To step back and say OK, let me pretend I’m I’m my customer let me Google. 

00:26:13 Justin Varuzzo 

Whatever eye surgery Lasik, let’s see where I show up. 

00:26:18 Justin Varuzzo 

OK, so I see my website, I click on it. 

00:26:20 Justin Varuzzo 

Where does this bring me? 

00:26:21 Justin Varuzzo 

What would be going through my mind now if I were a client or prospective client, what would I be looking for? 

00:26:29 Justin Varuzzo 

Like you said, the fear and these companies don’t take the time. 

00:26:33 Justin Varuzzo 

To learn those things and. 

00:26:35 Justin Varuzzo 

Then it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of a business owner saying, yeah, I’m not digital marketing a joke. 

00:26:40 Justin Varuzzo 

It doesn’t work. 

00:26:41 Justin Varuzzo 

I ran Facebook ads, they didn’t work. 

00:26:43 Justin Varuzzo 

I ran Google ads, it didn’t work. 

00:26:44 Justin Varuzzo 

It’s just all a big scam. 

00:26:47 Justin Varuzzo 

But we know that there are people as you’ve just explained, that if you can really identify where those friction points are, it can make a huge difference. 

00:26:57 Justin Varuzzo 

And the second thing will be really quick. 

00:26:58 Justin Varuzzo 

I want to really amplify you. 

00:27:00 Justin Varuzzo 

Had mentioned the tree guy saying it was going to take three months. 

00:27:03 Justin Varuzzo 

And as we record this episode, we are in the middle of a supply chain crisis. 

00:27:08 Justin Varuzzo 

Quite frankly, a lot of businesses don’t have what they need, or vice versa. 

00:27:14 Justin Varuzzo 

They’re incredibly busy and they are two to three four months behind, and I think just my bit of advice for anyone listening. 

00:27:22 Justin Varuzzo 

Be very upfront. 

00:27:23 Justin Varuzzo 

About that, if you have a delay, be upfront and always be honest because like you said, nothing is more frustrating for a customer to waste time in a pre sales process to get to the point where they find out either you don’t. 

00:27:37 Justin Varuzzo 

Have the thing that they need. 

00:27:38 Justin Varuzzo 

Or you can’t do it in the timeline that they need to do it in. 

00:27:42 Justin Varuzzo 

And now that person is going to leave. 

00:27:43 Darrell Evans 

They’re never going to come back because of the buyers journey. 

00:27:46 Darrell Evans 

We had a client that started with us in 2011 in the auto Body Shop industry auto body shops. 

00:27:51 Darrell Evans 

No one plans on getting in an accident and when they do, if the car is disabled, whether it’s through the insurance company or somebody they choose, they’ve got to get the car. 

00:27:58 Darrell Evans 

Somewhere so we can get fixed and it’s going to cost whatever thousands of dollars or whatever is going to be. 

00:28:02 Darrell Evans 

We figured out the pain point of that issue for moms who had kids who had soccer practice in piano and had to get to work the next day and they. 

00:28:10 Darrell Evans 

Were the sole. 

00:28:11 Darrell Evans 

Provider for 2/2 income households where that car would seriously put them in hinders ’cause they got 4 kids. We figured out the pain point of that in the buyers journey. We innovative a process for this. 

00:28:22 Darrell Evans 

Particular client, and it turns out, six years later he got bought by the biggest competitor in the country for one reason. 

00:28:30 Darrell Evans 

I think in one reason only, and that’s because we figured out how to get quotes without having to see the car. 



00:28:39 Darrell Evans 

We figured out and we, by the way, we didn’t figure out how to do the quoting ’cause we’re not the auto Body Shop expert we were like. 

00:28:45 Darrell Evans 

We see that this is a sticking point, and nobody wants to drag the car around to three places. 

00:28:51 Justin Varuzzo 


00:28:51 Justin Varuzzo 

Especially with the headlight hanging out in a in a bent wheel. 

00:28:54 Darrell Evans 

Who’s got time for that? 

00:28:56 Darrell Evans 

So we said OK, is it practical? 

00:28:58 Darrell Evans 

Is it practical? 

00:29:00 Darrell Evans 

I’m not going to mention the company name. 

00:29:01 Darrell Evans 

The guys name. 

00:29:02 Darrell Evans 

Is it practical? 

00:29:04 Darrell Evans 

We’ll call him John? 

00:29:05 Darrell Evans 

Is it practical, John? 

00:29:07 Darrell Evans 

Because of your vast experience, by the way, you can’t get away with this with a rookie auto shop body, auto Body Shop company. 

00:29:13 Darrell Evans 

This guy is a prick. 

00:29:14 Darrell Evans 

He was a pro. 

00:29:14 Darrell Evans 

He was 12 years in the business. 

00:29:16 Darrell Evans 

By that time this was his lifeblood. 

00:29:18 Darrell Evans 

He knew what he was doing. 

00:29:20 Darrell Evans 

We were like is it possible for you to look at photos from a smartphone from different angle? 

00:29:28 Darrell Evans 

And come up with a general idea and the answer was yeah, and so we had a process where we orchestrated 4 photos that got uploaded to his website on a form and it turned out that 80% of the leads that came in through that mechanism closed and he got real serious about it and set up a whole division for just that. 

00:29:47 Darrell Evans 

Part of his business and went from 4,000,000 to $22 million a. 

00:29:50 Darrell Evans 

Year in business. 

00:29:51 Darrell Evans 

Wow, yeah, that wasn’t overnight. 

00:29:52 Justin Varuzzo 

That’s it. 

00:29:53 Darrell Evans 

But from four he came to us at four, we figured this out several months into it as we were studying the buyer persona in in like in route to doing SEO and PPC. 

00:30:02 Darrell Evans 

But where were the friction points in the buyers journey? 

00:30:05 Darrell Evans 

How could we make it better for them? 

00:30:07 Darrell Evans 

’cause remember we’re solving for the customers problem, right? 

00:30:10 Darrell Evans 

The they didn’t expect to have the car. 

00:30:13 Darrell Evans 

In an accident, whether they were at fault or not at fault, all they know now is they’ve got a problem. 

00:30:20 Darrell Evans 

They went online to solve it and the problem that he could solve is he has to get the car to his shop before he can win the deal. 

00:30:27 Darrell Evans 

And we were like, what if we could win the deal before the car? 

00:30:30 Darrell Evans 

Gets to the shop and give them a relief to their problem, which is how do they get a quote without dragging the doggone car around the town? 

00:30:39 Justin Varuzzo 

Not, not to mention the competitive. 

00:30:40 Darrell Evans 


00:30:41 Justin Varuzzo 

The competitive advantage of having that service where when they go to number 2 and they call and they say, yeah, you gotta come in, you’re going to think well what do you mean? 


That’s right. 

00:30:50 Darrell Evans 

That’s right. 

00:30:51 Justin Varuzzo 

I gotta come in the other guy just did it through pictures. 


That’s right, right? 

00:30:54 Darrell Evans 

Yeah, so we just so again outside to your point. 

00:30:56 Darrell Evans 

Earlier too about SCO, right? 

00:30:58 Darrell Evans 

Traffic doesn’t pay the bills. 

00:31:01 Darrell Evans 

Good traffic website traffic in your analytics. 

00:31:03 Darrell Evans 

Don’t pay your bills so we started Justin as a CEO firm. 

00:31:07 Darrell Evans 

That was one of the our primary services when we first got started and we realized just a couple of years in that while traffic was going up there, customer acquisition wasn’t necessarily matching the curve of the analytics, so we were like we have to do a better job. 

00:31:21 Darrell Evans 

Of not just driving traffic from keyword search or rankings, and so we that’s what evolved our business to the type of business that we have today. 

00:31:30 Darrell Evans 

Which is we’re in the full funnel part of the process. 

00:31:32 Darrell Evans 

My business partner wrote a book on the buyer persona process. 

00:31:35 Darrell Evans 

It’s called the world best buyer persona system. 

00:31:37 Darrell Evans 

It’s available on Amazon. 

00:31:38 Darrell Evans 

We spend time understanding the problems and the pains and the concerns of the customer enroute to your product or service. 

00:31:47 Darrell Evans 

That’s what we marry together. 

00:31:48 Darrell Evans 

All the tactics are the same. 

00:31:50 Darrell Evans 

Like I don’t. 

00:31:51 Darrell Evans 

We don’t have a special special SCO process that nobody else doesn’t have. 

00:31:54 Darrell Evans 

We don’t have a special landing page. 

00:31:57 Darrell Evans 

We don’t have a special. 

00:31:58 Darrell Evans 

Email sequence we don’t have a special set of ads and keyword system inside of Google ads. 

00:32:03 Darrell Evans 

It’s our empathetic process to the buyers journey and understanding deeply the buyer persona. 

00:32:10 Darrell Evans 

What’s going on in their life where they see? 

00:32:11 Darrell Evans 

What are they saying, where they hearing? 

00:32:13 Darrell Evans 

What’s the marketplace showing them? 

00:32:14 Darrell Evans 

And how do we find a lane? 

00:32:17 Darrell Evans 

That their competitors not playing in, and that’s how we match those two things. 

00:32:22 Darrell Evans 

And again, that’s I think one of one of the ways that have helped us help our clients and help the people that they serve. 

00:32:30 Justin Varuzzo 

I I absolutely love that. 

00:32:32 Justin Varuzzo 

And of course the the the goal of this podcast is to create incredible. 

00:32:37 Justin Varuzzo 

Customer relationships and you just laid out the entire framework as to how to do that, and it’s absolutely awesome. 

00:32:46 Justin Varuzzo 

I want to jump real quick because you mentioned your partner, but you have a podcast as well, right? 

00:32:51 Darrell Evans 

I do I do. Thanks for mentioning. Yeah, so I started a podcast called The Mindshift Podcast Back in 2019 and it’s been an opportunity for me to connect with other thought leaders like yourself, Justin entrepreneurs, marketing leaders and really talk about what I call the two journeys of life right the the the journey from inspiration to realization. 

00:33:11 Darrell Evans 

Which is another way of saying is how do you start with an idea and reach your goal. 

00:33:15 Darrell Evans 

But then more importantly, the distinctions that changes the pitch. 

00:33:18 Darrell Evans 

It’s of what has to happen when life knocks us down and we have this journey from breakdown to breakthrough, which I find was my lessons. 

00:33:26 Darrell Evans 

Like I failed a lot a lot more than I. 

00:33:29 Darrell Evans 

You know, you can read my bio and all this stuff and you only see the good parts but the the the tough stuff that you have to grow through and be and who you have to become. 

00:33:38 Darrell Evans 

When life knocks you down is where I find a lot of the joy in the show. 

00:33:41 Darrell Evans 

So we talked to great people and really break that down for the listening audience who may be some steps behind this person and really just trying to create a pathway for. 

00:33:52 Darrell Evans 

Uhm, smoother levels of success. 

00:33:54 Darrell Evans 

For those that are listening to this show. 

00:33:55 Darrell Evans 

So it’s been a fun show and it’s the Mind Shift podcast with Marilyn. 

00:33:59 Justin Varuzzo 

Very well and I will also put links to that in the show notes at marketing and service. 

00:34:04 Justin Varuzzo 

Com If you look up this episode you will find a link to the Mindshift podcast. 

00:34:08 Justin Varuzzo 

We’ll get that going as well since you brought it up. 

00:34:09 Darrell Evans 

Appreciate it. 

00:34:11 Justin Varuzzo 

You had mentioned your failures, and of course the question I always ask is what is the biggest mistake that you’ve made? 

00:34:18 Darrell Evans 

The biggest mistake I’ve made has to be not believing in myself as an entrepreneur. 

00:34:25 Darrell Evans 

In my early 20s I had the feeling I had the sensory perception. 

00:34:32 Darrell Evans 

I doubled and dabbled. 

00:34:34 Darrell Evans 

Someone even said to me. 

00:34:35 Darrell Evans 

Why are you working at this job? 

00:34:38 Darrell Evans 

And I just didn’t believe in myself enough at that time. 

00:34:44 Darrell Evans 

And so I’m I’m caught saying oftentimes, now, believing yourself a little sooner is what I tell a lot of young men, 20s things of that nature. 

00:34:51 Darrell Evans 

Believe in yourself a little sooner, and I say it’s a mistake in one breath, but then I say life happens for a reason and everything happens. 

00:34:59 Darrell Evans 

For a reason at the right set, you know set point in time in your journey. 

00:35:02 Darrell Evans 

So in a way I feel like it’s a mistake. 

00:35:05 Darrell Evans 

I could get tactical with, you know, something that you know things that have happened with business failures, but those were all like logical things that you know, but I think it really comes down to belief. 

00:35:15 Darrell Evans 

Belief in yourself and trusting that you can figure. 

00:35:19 Darrell Evans 

Get out right, there’s enough resources, yeah? 

00:35:19 Justin Varuzzo 

Yeah, so I I normally do not ask a follow-up question to that question. 

00:35:26 Darrell Evans 

So said something. 

00:35:27 Justin Varuzzo 

I but, but since you since you said it, I have to ask, was there a particular thing that happened or a particular? 

00:35:35 Justin Varuzzo 

Thing that you did or a moment where you overcame that barrier to your progress and. 

00:35:45 Justin Varuzzo 

To your success. 

00:35:46 Darrell Evans 

Uh, such a great question, for for where I’m going to go. 

00:35:50 Darrell Evans 

Uh, yes. 

00:35:51 Darrell Evans 

So what was the thing that changed my perception or elevated my belief? 

00:35:56 Darrell Evans 

Well, I I often say that it’s when you reach a point in life and you make a new, committed decision about something. 

00:36:06 Darrell Evans 

And there’s a difference between interested and committed. 

00:36:09 Darrell Evans 

That I talk a lot about. 

00:36:11 Darrell Evans 

When you make and when you’re interested in something, you use words like I’d like to. 

00:36:16 Darrell Evans 

Maybe I I want to try some someday right? Well, in 1999, just in there was something that happened in my personal life. 

00:36:26 Darrell Evans 

As well as I was looking to be an entrepreneur, but there was also something going on. 

00:36:29 Darrell Evans 

Some dynamics in my personal life and I had to make a new decision as to who I was going to become. 

00:36:35 Darrell Evans 

And without getting into the depths of that, I ended up with my back against the wall to make a decision that I’m either an entrepreneurship or I’m out and part of the underlying circumstances said that entrepreneurship was. 

00:36:54 Darrell Evans 

Going to be the best route to fulfill the vision. 

00:36:58 Darrell Evans 

And that I had for myself at that time, because there was a dynamic to the situation that would have made it a little bit difficult as a corporate employee to fulfill the commitment that I was now making at that time. 

00:37:10 Darrell Evans 

And again, I I know it’s a little vague, but I’ll say it super quick. 

00:37:15 Darrell Evans 

My two sons, mother and I split. 

00:37:18 Darrell Evans 

She moved to another state, 1300 miles away. She had every right to do so. 

00:37:23 Darrell Evans 

However, my commitment was I’m going to be a good father to my kids, and if I have to travel back and forth, which I did, if I have to go pick them up and fly them back to my city when I have visitation, which I did and fly them home, which I did. 

00:37:38 Darrell Evans 

The time dynamic No corporation would have ever been like, yeah, go ahead and do that and I would have had to make excuses to my kids for why I couldn’t pick them up and why I couldn’t do the things that I would have wanted to do. 

00:37:50 Darrell Evans 

So the question for me was I’m going to figure this entrepreneurship thing out once and for all. 

00:37:55 Darrell Evans 

It’s not like I didn’t have any. 

00:37:57 Darrell Evans 

Glimpses of success ’cause I did I had a few failures but I had some glimpses of success so. 

00:38:01 Darrell Evans 

Wasn’t like I was afraid, but I now had no choice because of the commitment I was committed and I felt like I made the decision that entrepreneurship was the only way that was going to have the lifestyle freedom and the time freedom to really invest in the commitment to be a good father for them. 

00:38:19 Darrell Evans 

Because of the way the visitation dynamics. 

00:38:22 Darrell Evans 

I mean I would have them all summer if I’m working at a corporation. 

00:38:24 Darrell Evans 

I get 2 weeks off, plus whatever little PTO I would have had to put them in a daycare. 

00:38:29 Darrell Evans 

For for the rest of the summer, and I was like that’s not going to happen. 

00:38:33 Justin Varuzzo 

Wow, yeah. 

00:38:34 Darrell Evans 

So that was the distinction. 

00:38:35 Justin Varuzzo 

Yeah, that is that is a really powerful story and one one thing that I have learned fairly recently is the power of one thing. 

00:38:46 Justin Varuzzo 

Whether it’s your your passion to be the best father. 

00:38:50 Justin Varuzzo 

Or you have a specific goal that you want to achieve no matter what and what I’m finding is that as you progress on one goal like your one goal to be, the best father, suddenly these other things that are peripheral things that really have nothing to do with that particular goal. 

00:39:10 Justin Varuzzo 

So suddenly almost like magic start to come together and you know, for me I had a weight loss journey. 

00:39:17 Justin Varuzzo 

I lost about 100 pounds and just in the process of doing that lost the weight in roughly a year and I’ve kept it off for. 

00:39:19 Darrell Evans 

Ah, Congrats, Congrats. 

00:39:25 Justin Varuzzo 

Six years and in that same time, all of a sudden financial things were better. 

00:39:27 Darrell Evans 

That’s amazing, good job. 

00:39:30 Justin Varuzzo 

I wasn’t going out to eat as much. 

00:39:32 Justin Varuzzo 

I was saving more money now. 

00:39:34 Justin Varuzzo 

I had this extra I could pay down debt and then that led to something else and that leads and and all of a sudden all these things were happening from just that one goal and actually setting it, achieving it and maintaining it. 

00:39:45 Justin Varuzzo 

And it sounds to me like you have very similar experience. 

00:39:49 Justin Varuzzo 

You had this family dynamic. 

00:39:50 Justin Varuzzo 

Your one goal be the best dad and in doing that all these other things kind of came together for you and you’ve obviously seen a lot of success which is congratulations man, that’s awesome. 

00:40:00 Darrell Evans 

But yeah, it was interesting, possum. 

00:40:02 Justin Varuzzo 

So my my last question for you is going to be what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten, wow? 

00:40:09 Darrell Evans 

The best piece I’ve ever gotten. 

00:40:11 Darrell Evans 

Oh wow wow wow. 

00:40:16 Darrell Evans 

I’m gonna have to. 

00:40:18 Darrell Evans 

Go to, probably something my grandmother taught me my mom. 

00:40:22 Darrell Evans 

I mean, we grew up in a in a house that was a very spiritual household and I would say that she would always say and it was a constant reminder in our House to just trust. 

00:40:36 Darrell Evans 

That God would help you figure it out. 

00:40:38 Darrell Evans 

Trust that he will order your steps. 

00:40:41 Darrell Evans 

If you set your intention before him and I just believed it, I just still believe it. 

00:40:47 Darrell Evans 

To this day, I don’t pretend that I’m that smart. 

00:40:49 Darrell Evans 

I don’t pretend to have it. 

00:40:51 Darrell Evans 

All the answers I I give the answers to those who don’t have what I know. 

00:40:55 Darrell Evans 

But every day I wake up humble. 

00:40:58 Darrell Evans 

To learn more to do more. 

00:41:00 Darrell Evans 

To be more, to help, more to serve more. 

00:41:03 Darrell Evans 

And I just trust that God is going to help me figure it out. 

00:41:06 Darrell Evans 

I’m not a perfect dude by no stretch of the imagination, but he’s been real good to me. 

00:41:12 Justin Varuzzo 

Well, Darryl, you’ve been perfect on this podcast and I I really appreciate you coming on and sharing these stories. 

00:41:19 Justin Varuzzo 

Of course, your company is local local Internet marketing. 

00:41:23 Justin Varuzzo 

You’ve helped so many entrepreneurs, you’ve got your the Mind Shift podcast, which again I will put those links on the website and you have the mind shift growth mastermind and thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and being with us today it’s it’s been great. 

00:41:39 Darrell Evans 

Thanks for having me man. 

00:41:41 Darrell Evans 

Thanks for I appreciate your platform. 

00:41:42 Darrell Evans 

Anytime I’m invited to speak on a platform and share. 

00:41:44 Darrell Evans 

Sometime I’m humbled. 

00:41:46 Darrell Evans 

I’m honored and hopefully your listeners have picked up an item or two that will help them in some way. 

00:41:52 Justin Varuzzo 

Wow Darrell, what a great interview. 

00:41:55 Justin Varuzzo 

I loved that he came on the show to share all of this with us today. 

00:41:59 Justin Varuzzo 

I know this one ran a little bit long. 

00:42:01 Justin Varuzzo 

If you enjoyed the episode, please like and subscribe and definitely send me a note. 

00:42:08 Justin Varuzzo 

Love to hear. 

00:42:08 Justin Varuzzo 

From you on Facebook, it’s the marketing and service.com Facebook page. 

00:42:13 Justin Varuzzo 

Thanks so much for listening. 

00:42:14 Justin Varuzzo 

I’ll catch you. 

00:42:14 Justin Varuzzo 

On the next one.